Coinmax API Documentation

Testing Environment is our sandbox environment, feel free to play with it.

Rest API

Our API follows typical HTTP status codes for success and failure. Below is a table to indicate what each of them means.

HTTP status codes
Status code Description
200 Your request is accepted and body will have data if any
400 Invalid request
403 Unauthorized request
429 API rate limit reached
500 Internal error

Base URL /api/

List of API endpoints

API list
Endpoint HTTP method Authorization Required? Description
/public/products GET NO Get a list of available asset pairs for trading
/public/assets GET NO Get a list of supported assets
/client/order POST YES Place an order
/client/order/cancel POST YES Cancel an order
/client/orders GET YES Get your orders
/client/trades GET YES Get your trades
/client/funds GET YES Get available funds
/client/deposits GET YES Get your deposits
/client/withdrawals GET YES Get your withdrawals
/client/withdraw POST YES Place a withdrawal

Public Endpoints

You can get the listed products and assets list from our public endpoints.

Get Products

Get a list of available asset pairs for trading.


GET /public/products

Sample Response:

  "BTC-AUD": {
      "baseAsset": {
          "assetDisplayName": "Bitcoin",
          "assetName": "BTC",
          "blockExplorer": "",
          "depositServiceStatus": "SUSPENDED",
          "minOrderQty": 1,
          "precisionDigits": 8,
          "precisionValue": 100000000,
          "tickSize": 1,
          "withdrawalServiceStatus": "RUNNING"
      "quoteAsset": {
          "assetDisplayName": "Australian Dollar",
          "assetName": "AUD",
          "blockExplorer": "",
          "depositServiceStatus": "SUSPENDED",
          "minOrderQty": 1,
          "precisionDigits": 2,
          "precisionValue": 100,
          "tickSize": 1,
          "withdrawalServiceStatus": "RUNNING"
      "securityName": "BTC-AUD",
      "splitter": "-",
      "tradingServiceStatus": "RUNNING"

Get Assets

Get list of supported assets.


Not all assets may be currently in use for trading.


GET /public/assets

Sample Response:

  "BTC": {
        "assetDisplayName": "Bitcoin",
        "assetName": "BTC",
        "blockExplorer": "",
        "depositServiceStatus": "SUSPENDED",
        "minOrderQty": 1,
        "precisionDigits": 8,
        "precisionValue": 100000000,
        "tickSize": 1,
        "withdrawalServiceStatus": "RUNNING"
    "LTC": {
        "assetDisplayName": "Litecoin",
        "assetName": "LTC",
        "blockExplorer": "",
        "depositServiceStatus": "SUSPENDED",
        "minOrderQty": 1,
        "precisionDigits": 6,
        "precisionValue": 1000000,
        "tickSize": 1,
        "withdrawalServiceStatus": "RUNNING"

Generate Credentials

You need to generate your API credentials before placing orders via API. Please follow the following steps for the same.

  1. Go to and login. If you don’t have an account, please sign up.
  2. Once you log in, on the top right corner, click on the the dropdown and click “Settings”.
  3. On the Settings page, go to “API Credentials”.
  4. Click “Generate”.
  5. Note down the Client Key and Secret somewhere safe, as it will only be displayed once.


Place Order


POST /api/client/order

  1. Create the order request with intended parameters. This will be the body of your HTTP request. Below are the details of each supported parameter.

    Order Structure:

        "qty" : "0.0001",
        "price" : "100",
        "side" : "BUY", //Valid options are "BUY" and "SELL"
        "symbol" : "BTC-AUD", Complete list of supported products can be requested from under products key
        "type" : "LIMIT", // Supported parameters are "LIMIT" and "STOP LIMIT"
        "triggerPrice" : "78.99" // Only applicable if type is "STOP LIMIT",
        "validity": "GOOD TILL CANCEL", Supported parameters are "GOOD TILL CANCEL", "IMMEDIATE OR CANCEL" and "FILL OR KILL",
        "timestamp": 1538046192974 //Current time in milliseconds
  2. Sign your order request using sha256 and your client secret. Set the hex value of your signature in HTTP header “X-API-SIGNATURE”.

  3. Set your API key in HTTP header “X-API-KEY”.

  4. Place the request on URL

    Sample NodeJS program:

    const crypto = require('crypto');
    let time = new Date().getTime();
    const order = {
      "symbol": "BTC-AUD",
      "qty": "1",
      "price": "806",
      "side": "BUY",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "triggerPrice": "",
      "validity": "GOOD TILL CANCEL",
      "timestamp": time
    const CLIENT_KEY = "a385061780f7c9da5f1d1ad53ac644e7";
    const CLIENT_SECRET = "b9a03c3c32de9f2691a6309ba77a5a189b6720ff3a9c2b23e0af0ad7384438ec";
    var sign = crypto.createHmac('sha256', CLIENT_SECRET).update(JSON.stringify(order)).digest(
    var request = require("request");
    var options = {
      url: '',
      headers: {
        'X-API-KEY': CLIENT_KEY,
        'X-API-SIGNATURE': sign
      method: 'post',
      json: true,
      body: order
    request(options, (error, res, body) => {
      if (error) {

Cancel Order


POST /api/client/order/cancel

Follow the same steps as Place Order, but alter the body with following parameters:

Cancel Order Structure:

  "orderId": "26001", //Order id to cancel
  "symbol": "ETH-AUD", // Symbol
  "timestamp": time


A successful result from cancel API does not mean that order is cancelled, it just means that your cancellation request is accepted. To know the actual status, subscribe to orderUpdate channel on WebSocket.

Get Orders


GET /api/client/orders

Query parameters
Parameter Description
timestamp Current timestamp in milliseconds (Required)
symbol Asset pair e.g. BTC-AUD (Required)
pageSize Number of orders to return, default value is 50
page Directly jump to a particular page number by skipping previous records, default value is 0

Sample Response:

    "Symbol": "BTC-AUD",
    "FilledQty": "0.00000000",
    "Price": "1000.00",
    "TriggerPrice": "0.00",
    "Qty": "0.00010000",
    "OrderType": "LIMIT",
    "OrderValidity": "GOOD TILL CANCEL",
    "OrderStatus": "CANCELLED",
    "Side": "BUY",
    "ExchangeOrderId": "391708",
    "LastFillQty": "0.00000000",
    "LastFillPrice": "0.00",
    "Timestamp": "1561088065018000",
    "Commission": "0.00",
    "ClientOrderId": "391708",
    "SeqNo": 2,
    "Error": ""

Sample GET Program



GET /api/client/trades

Query parameters
Parameter Description
timestamp Current timestamp in milliseconds (Required)
symbol Asset pair e.g. BTC-AUD (Required)
pageSize Number of trades to return, default value is 50
page Directly jump to a particular page number by skipping previous records, default value is 0

Sample Response:

    "Symbol": "BTC-AUD",
    "FilledQty": "0.01086340",
    "Price": "5616.89",
    "TriggerPrice": "0.00",
    "Qty": "1.00000000",
    "OrderType": "LIMIT",
    "OrderValidity": "GOOD TILL CANCEL",
    "OrderStatus": "PARTIAL FILLED",
    "Side": "BUY",
    "ExchangeOrderId": "180708",
    "ExecutionId": "4611686018427535980",
    "LastFillQty": "0.01086340",
    "LastFillPrice": "5616.89",
    "Timestamp": "1557936662842695",
    "Commission": "0.15",
    "ClientOrderId": "180708",
    "SeqNo": 2,
    "Error": ""

Sample GET Program



GET /api/client/funds

Query parameters
Parameter Description
timestamp Current timestamp in milliseconds (Required)

Sample Response:

  "funds": [
      "assetName": "AUD",
      "availableForOrders": "1000005.25",
      "reserved": "-10253.65",
      "pendingDeposits": "100.00",
      "depositAddress": "",
      "seqNo": 80
      "assetName": "ZEC",
      "availableForOrders": "100.000000",
      "reserved": "0.000000",
      "pendingDeposits": "0.000000",
      "depositAddress": "tmYAfLpSziBirkKjNRuoS3mMENNuuTatrND",
      "seqNo": 1
      "assetName": "LTC",
      "availableForOrders": "100.000000",
      "reserved": "0.000000",
      "pendingDeposits": "0.000000",
      "depositAddress": "QV33qHRScoxKSyXojS8G7N8FkEHWnrf6Pd",
      "seqNo": 1
      "assetName": "ETH",
      "availableForOrders": "159.981969",
      "reserved": "0.000000",
      "pendingDeposits": "0.000000",
      "depositAddress": "QVt1ySHovNTGAh2cQCaG8QD6N535GyjG83",
      "seqNo": 5
      "assetName": "BTC",
      "availableForOrders": "1.00000000",
      "reserved": "0.00000000",
      "pendingDeposits": "0.00000000",
      "depositAddress": "2MvjxQopZU3z3TfexpWEEqT4Q9hbSQugsjs",
      "seqNo": 1

Sample GET Program



GET /api/client/deposits

Query parameters
Parameter Description
timestamp Current timestamp in milliseconds (Required)
pageSize Number of trades to return, default value is 50
page Directly jump to a particular page number by skipping previous records, default value is 0

Sample Response:

    "asset": "AUD",
    "paymentAgent": "Pay ID",
    "amount": "5000.00",
    "referenceId": "122692",
    "timestamp": "1556291940840000",
    "error": "",
    "metadata": {
      "code": "4cef02"
    "feeCharged": "0.00",
    "transactionStatus": "INITIATED"
    "asset": "AUD",
    "paymentAgent": "Pay ID",
    "amount": "10.00",
    "referenceId": "123692",
    "timestamp": "1556291996905000",
    "error": "",
    "metadata": {
      "code": "7cf4de"
    "feeCharged": "0.00",
    "transactionStatus": "INITIATED"

Sample GET Program



GET /api/client/withdrawals

Query parameters
Parameter Description
timestamp Current timestamp in milliseconds (Required)
pageSize Number of trades to return, default value is 50
page Directly jump to a particular page number by skipping previous records, default value is 0

Sample Response:

    "asset": "BTC",
    "amount": "0.00300000",
    "referenceId": "187698",
    "timestamp": "1558023541957000",
    "error": "",
    "feeCharged": "0.00020000",
    "transactionStatus": "CONFIRMED",
    "nodeGeneratedTxId": "41f5bf416c601724351682e50bd324e46ec84567f0f0f93731ed8fc1c76e37fa",
    "address": "2MvjxQopZU3z3TfexpWEEqT4Q9hbSQugsjs",
    "recipientAddress": "2MvjxQopZU3z3TfexpWEEqT4Q9hbSQugsjs",
    "approvedAmount": "0.00280000"
    "asset": "ETH",
    "amount": "0.045000",
    "referenceId": "178703",
    "timestamp": "1557937454067000",
    "error": "",
    "feeCharged": "0.001000",
    "transactionStatus": "CONFIRMED",
    "nodeGeneratedTxId": "0x75b7a8fb1bc8b0ec03404212de4d7913b45eb3859c0c3a334e81291c6aaab889",
    "address": "0xf2af5b5ebcccade3461b654fd16c42c82408c0a5",
    "recipientAddress": "0xf2af5b5ebcccade3461b654fd16c42c82408c0a5",
    "approvedAmount": "0.044000"

Sample GET Program

POST /api/client/withdraw

Body params
Parameter Description
asset One of the listed asset’s name (Required)
amount Amount that you want to withdraw from your account (required)
recipient Valid address for the recipient of this transaction (required)
timestamp Current timestamp in milliseconds (Required)

Sample Request:

  "asset": "BTC",
  "recipient": "2NGZrVvZG92qGYqzTLjCAewvPZ7JE8S8VxE",
  "amount": "0.001",
  "timestamp": time


This api is available for crypto withdrawals and whitelisted recipient addresses only. Moreover, make sure that your api key has the required provisions to use this functionality.


As of now users can neither white list withdrawal addresses nor can they update ApiKey provisions by themselves. Kindly contact support if you need to do so.

Api Keys

Sample GET Program

Sample GET Program

  1. You can fetch funds, orders, trades, deposits, withdrawals using the GET APIs.
  2. You can use query params in URL, timestamp is a required parameter to prevent replay attacks.
  3. Similar to POST APIs, GET APIs of Coinmax also require signature, but the steps vary.
  4. You need to sign the API URL instead of request body, By API URL we mean the part ahead of the base url, For e.g, In “” “” is the base URL and “/trades?timestamp=1540472319692&page=0&symbol=ETH-AUD” is the API URL.

Below is a sample NodeJS program to fetch user trades, you can replace the apiURL as per your requirements.

Sample NodeJS program to fetch trades:

const crypto = require('crypto');
let time = new Date().getTime();

const CLIENT_KEY = "a64cdc31716649d4c8fd79b89ab965d8";
const CLIENT_SECRET = "d37e9c4f137601f2c59b796a033a99a35e20a6757e754f30d00cff9c438b0cac";

let baseURL = ""
let apiURL = `/trades?timestamp=${time}&page=0&symbol=ETH-AUD`;
let reqURl = `${baseURL}${apiURL}`;

var sign = crypto.createHmac('sha256', CLIENT_SECRET).update(apiURL).digest(


var request = require("request");

var options = {
  url: reqURl,
  headers: {
    'X-API-SIGNATURE': sign
  method: 'get',
  json: true

request(options, (error, res, body) => {
  if (error) {


You can connect to our WebSocket to get updates on your orders and receive market data events in real time. This reduces the amount of data transfer and latency as you no longer have to poll our servers for updates.

To connect with WebSocket send the following request:

GET wss://{API_KEY}&timestamp=1544020774432&X-API-SIGNATURE={SIGNATURE}
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket


API_KEY can be obtained by Generate Credentials and SIGNATURE is the hex value of sha256 of API key + timestamp with Client Secret

Sample NodeJS program:

var ws = require('ws');
var crypto = require('crypto');
let time = new Date().getTime();

const CLIENT_KEY = "dec5b6dad847f157a51735d34fd09e79";
const CLIENT_SECRET = "1f9bcfaa4542676463f953224fdbf779e92fbc9898aa56146797a152097182fd";

var sign = crypto.createHmac('sha256', CLIENT_SECRET).update(CLIENT_KEY + time).digest(

const coinmaxWebsocket = new ws(`wss://${CLIENT_KEY}&timestamp=${time}&X-API-SIGNATURE=${sign}`);
coinmaxWebsocket.on('open', function open() {
              "action": "subscribe",
              "channels": [{
                      "name": "ohlc",
                      "productIds": ["ETH-AUD"]
                      "name": "trades"
              "productIds": ["ZEC-AUD"]

coinmaxWebsocket.on('message', function incoming(data) {


Once you are connected, you will need to subscribe to the events published by WebSocket.


All communications with WebSocket are in JSON format.

Subscriptions request format:

   "action": "subscribe",
   "channels": [{
      "name": "ohlc",
      "productIds": ["ETH-AUD"]
      "name": "quoteIncremental"
   "productIds": ["ZEC-AUD"]


In the above structure, ohlc channel will subscribe to ETH-AUD and ZEC-AUD both, whereas trades will only subscribe to ZEC-AUD

Subscriptions reply format:

   "Type": "subscriptions",
   "subscribe": "ok",
   "subscriptions": [
         "name": "ohlc",
         "productIds": ["ETH-AUD", "ZEC-AUD"]
         "name": "quoteIncremental",
         "productIds": ["ZEC-AUD"]

Subscriptions response includes a subscribe field which will be either ok or fail. It will fail if your request is invalid. An invalid request means you either sent an empty request or all channels in your request were invalid, check reason field for more details. If any channel in the request is valid subscribe field will be ok.

Response will also include a subscriptions array which includes responses to each valid channel. If you try to register to an invalid channel, subscriptions array will not include it in the response as we don’t entertain invalid requests. But if for some reason your subscription request for a valid channel fails, there will be a entry for it in the subscription array with error code and description.


Every message you will receive from WebSocket will include a Type field, You can use it to decide what actions to perform

Subscribe to events

To Subscibe to an event, send a message to WebSocket with action: subscribe and the channel and product id you want to subscribe for. A complete list of Market Data Channels, Authorized Client Data Channels is listed below.

Unsubscribe from events

Similary, to Unsubscribe from an event, repeat the message you sent during subscribe and change from action: subscribe to action: unsubscribe

Market Data Channels

Following channels are available to listen for market data.

Market Data Channels
Data Channel Name Supported Product IDs
OHLC ohlc All supported IDs
24H Changes ticker * Asterisk
Real time market trades tradeQuote All supported IDs
Market trades historical data tradeQuoteBatch All supported IDs
Depth Snapshot quoteFullSnapshot All supported IDs
Depth Incremental updates quoteIncremental All supported IDs

Authorized Client Data Channels

Following channels are available to listen for real time updates.

Authorized Channels
Data Channel Name Supported Product IDs
Order Update orderUpdate All supported IDs
Asset Deposits deposit * Asterisk
Asset Withdrawals withdrawal * Asterisk
Cash Components funds * Asterisk

Data Structures

Market data

  "Type": "ohlc",
        "Asteriskt": Epoch,
        "Interval": Interval in seconds,
        "O": string,
        "H": string,
        "L": string,
        "C": string,
        "V": string
  "Symbol": string


Candles array will include candles with various time intervals, for e.g. 300, 900, 3600, 14400, 86400

24 Hour Changes (Ticker)
 "Type": "ticker",
     "Symbol": "string",
     "PercentChange": string,
     "High": string,
     "Low": string,
     "Ltp": string,
     "Volume": string,
     "Timestamp": Epoch
Market Trades
 "Type": "tradeQuote",
 "Symbol": string,
 "Taker": string,
 "Ltq": string,
 "Ltp": string,
 "Timestamp": string


Possible values for Taker field are maker and taker

Depth Book

Full Snapshot:

  "Type": "quoteFullSnapshot",
  "Symbol": "string",
  "NoOfBuyLevels": "Number",
  "Buys": [
      "Price": "5741.83",
      "AggrQty": "0.00000993",
      "OrderCount": 1
  "NoOfSellLevels": "Number",
  "Sells": [
      "Price": "6561.54",
      "AggrQty": "0.00013083",
      "OrderCount": 1
  "SeqNo": "Number",
  "Timestamp": "Number"


Buys and Sells are maps with Price as Key and {AggrQty and OrderCount} Object as value

Incremental Update:

   "Type": "quoteIncremental",
   "Symbol": string,
   "SeqNo": Number,
   "Side": string,
   "Price": string,
   "AggrQty": string,
   "OrderCount": Number,
   "Action": Number
   "Timestamp" : Number
Actions map
Action Description
0 Insert
1 Update
2 Delete

Depth book updates as well as snapshot both provide a SeqNo which you can use to make sure you do not miss any update. If you miss an update you can request a full snapshot by sending the below request to WebSocket.

  "action": "dataFetch",
   "channels": [
       "name": "quoteFullSnapshot"
   "productIds": ["<Your product Id>"]

Authorized Client Data

Cash Component
   "Type": "funds",
   "CashComponents": [{
       "Asset": string,
       "AvailableUnits": string,
       "PendingUnits": string,
       "SeqNo": uint32
Order Update
    "Type": "orderUpdate",
    "Symbol": string,
    "OrderStatus": string,
    "OrderType": string,
    "OrderValidity": string,
    "Side": string,
    "ExecutionId": string,
    "ExchangeOrderId": string,
    "Qty": string,
    "Price": string,
    "PassiveUnits": string,
    "FilledQty": string,
    "LastFillQty": string,
    "LastFillPrice": string,
    "Timestamp": string,
    "Commission": string,
    "ClientOrderId": string,
    "SeqNo": uint32,
    "Error": string
Possiblele values for OrderStatus
Status Description
CANCELLED Your order was cancelled, Check Error for more details
REJECTED Order was rejected, Check Error for more details
ACCEPTED Your order is accepted by Exchange
PARTIAL_FILLED Your order was filled partially, LastFillQty and LastFillPrice will contain the Quantity Filled and at what Price for this trade
FILLED Your order is completely filled
CANCEL_REJECTED Your request for cancelling your order was rejected, Check Error for more details
Important notes
  • You may receive PARTIAL_FILLED events multiple times
  • Error field will not be available for PARTIAL_FILLED and FILLED orders
  • ExecutionId will be only available for PARTIAL_FILLED and FILLED orders


ExecutionId + ExchangeOrderId = Unique Trade Identifier

Asset Deposit
   "Type": "deposit",
   "Asset": string,
   "Amount": string,
   "TxStatus": string,
   "TxId": string,
   "NodeTxId": string,
   "Timestamp": string,
   "Fee": string,
   "Error": string,
   "PaymentAgent": "string",
   "Metadata": {
      "code": string


You can use NodeTxId to view the transaction on block expolorer.

  "Type": "withdrawal",
  "Asset": string,
  "Amount": string,
  "ApprovedAmount": string,
  "Fee": string,
  "TxStatus": string,
  "TxId": string,
  "ReferenceId": string,
  "NodeTxId": string,
  "Timestamp": string,
  "Recipient": string,
  "Error": string


You can use NodeTxId to view the transaction on block expolorer.


Use the ReferenceId to uniquely identify withdrawal request.

Api Keys

Every generated api key has provisions attached to it, based on whom you may be allowed to access a service or not. Following are the service types and provisions available for a key as of now.

Api Key Services & Provisions
Service Name Provision Type
Trading ENABLED(default) / DISABLED
Withdrawal ENABLED / DISABLED(default)

Please contact support if you want to change them.


We calculate fees as a fraction of the notional value of each trade (i.e., price × amount). Any fees will be applied at the time an order is placed. For partially filled orders, only the executed portion is subject to trading fees. Fees we charge for Maker trades is 0.10% while those for Taker trades is 0.15%. If any other users have joined by using your referral link, you gain 0.10% of the fees that we charge them on their trades.


Please note that this is a beta version of the Coinmax API. The API is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Coinmax does not give any warranties, whether express or implied, as to the suitability or usability of the API, its software or any of its content. Coinmax will not be liable for any loss, whether such loss is direct, indirect, special or consequential, suffered by any party as a result of their use of the Coinmax API. Any use of the API is done at the user’s own risk and the user will be solely responsible for any damage to any computer system or loss of data that results from such activities. Should you encounter any bugs, glitches, lack of functionality or other problems on the website, please let us know immediately so we can rectify these accordingly. Your help in this regard is greatly appreciated.